Moving Out 2

Age Ratings

PEGI Three

This game's crossplay compatibility is verified through official resources.

About the Game

Moving Out 2 is a video game in which payers attempt to move objects across various levels without hitting objections. It combines elements of strategy, puzzles, and party video games. It is a sequel to Moving Out.
Developers:DEVM Games, SMG Studio

Moving Out 2 Cross-platform Information

Nintendo Switch, PC (Win), PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S players can play together.

Nintendo Switch PC (Win) PlayStation Xbox


While each store may cross-play with other versions on the same platform, it cannot play with versions in a different cross-play group.

Microsoft Store
Cross-play with: Nintendo Switch PlayStation Xbox - link
Cross-play with: Nintendo Switch PlayStation Xbox - link

Can Moving Out 2 be cross-played?

Once you've enabled Crossplay in your in-game settings (you'll find this option under the General tab), you'll be free to rally your F.A.R.Ts and get moving. This means you'll be able to team up with up to 3 other players locally and online - from all platforms and all parts of the world! 

Level difficulty can change depending on how many people you have on your team - more F.A.R.Ts, more problems! But don't worry, we believe in you! Just don't forget to lift with your spine, not your knees.

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