

Feb 2019 8.1/10

Age Ratings

PEGI Seven

This game's crossplay compatibility is verified through official resources.

About the Game

Explore and exploit distant worlds in a game of aerospace industry and interplanetary exploration. With your gun you can reshape the landscape around you and gather resources. On your journey you come across special artifacts that will provide you with research points, in order to unlock new technologies. These include rovers and spaceships, in order the expand your reach on the planets in the solar system. The game also has a co-op mode, allowing players to explore the planets with their friends.
Developers:System Era Softworks
Publishers:System Era Softworks

Astroneer Cross-platform Information

Xbox One and PC (Win) players can play together. PlayStation 4 players can only play with other PlayStation 4 players. Nintendo Switch players can only play with other Nintendo Switch players.

PC (Win) Xbox One
PlayStation 4
Nintendo Switch


While each store may cross-play with other versions on the same platform, it cannot play with versions in a different cross-play group.

Cross-play with: None - link

Can Astroneer be cross-played?

Astroneer offers standard multiplayer co-op and expanded cross-play functionality with up to 8 players when using a dedicated server. Players can collaborate across platforms using rental or self-hosted servers with platform-specific requirements.

Multiplayer Options

  • Standard Co-op: Up to 4 players can join a game on the same platform.

  • Dedicated Servers: Enable cross-play for up to 8 players when using rental servers (Nitrado, GPortal) or a self-hosted server on a PC.

Platform-Specific Multiplayer Details

  1. Steam Users:

    • Co-op limited to friends added through Steam. Use the Steam client to invite or join games.

  2. Xbox & Windows 10 Crossplay:

    • Players must use the Xbox party feature to invite friends through the Windows Xbox app or directly on Xbox. Once players join, a house icon confirms the connection.

  3. PS4 Users:

    • Can only join co-op games with friends added through the PS4 friends list.

  4. Nintendo Switch:

    • Supports local wireless co-op or Internet co-op exclusively with other Switch players. No cross-play options with other platforms.

  5. Dedicated Servers:

    • Steam and PS4: Players can rent dedicated servers from Nitrado or GPortal or use a self-hosted PC server.

    • Microsoft Versions: Xbox and Windows 10 players must use dedicated servers rented through Microsoft-preferred providers (Nitrado or GPortal). Self-hosted servers are not supported.

    • Switch: Does not support dedicated servers.

Additional Multiplayer Requirements

  • Same Version Requirement: To connect, all players must be running the same game version.

  • Unlocked Progress: Progress and achievements are only available to the host. Players joining after milestones will not share completed rewards.

  • Performance Note: The host may experience reduced performance due to increased processing demands.

Finding Other Players

  • Visit the Official Astroneer Discord server to access multiplayer channels for each platform and connect with others. Players can find details on rented or public servers and self-hosting in designated channels.

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